XAT Admit Card 2023 XLRI Jamshedpur issued XAT 2023 admit card on December 26, 2022 in online mode. Earlier, the XAT admit card 2023 date was December 20. Candidates could download the XAT admit card 2023 from the XAT official website – xatonline.in. To download the XAT exam admit card, candidates needed to use their XAT login details such as XAT ID and Date of birth (DOB). XAT 2023 entrance test was scheduled to be held on January 8 from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM.
XAT admit card was issued to only those candidates who submitted their XAT application form successfully. XAT admit card is an important document, candidates must carry it along with one valid photo ID proof to the exam centre for entry. The XAT admit card contains all the details pertaining to XAT such as exam date and time as well as all the guidelines and instructions that one needs to follow on D-day. Read the complete article by Careers360 to know the step-by-step process to download the XAT exam 2023 admit card.
XAT Admit Card Date 2023
Candidates can check all the important dates pertaining to the XAT 2023 admit card in the table that is given below.
XAT Admit Card 2023: Important dates
XAT exam events | XAT 2023 dates |
XAT admit card release date 2023 | December 26, 2022 |
XAT 2023 exam date | January 8, 2023 |
XAT admit card sample image:

How to download XAT Admit Card 2023?
While downloading XAT 2023 admit card candidates need to follow the steps that are given below so that they do not face any problems. On the day of the XAT exam, candidates had to carry a printed copy of XAT admit card 2023 along with one valid Government-issued photo ID proof.
Step to download XAT 2023 Admit Card
Candidates can refer to the following steps while downloading XAT hall ticket 2023:
- Step 1 – Visit the official website of XLRI Jamshedpur
- Step 2 – Click on the “Login” tab
- Step 3 – Now candidates will have to provide XAT User ID and Date of birth (DOB), after that click on the “Login” tab
- Step 4 – Now click on the hall ticket tab
- Step 5 – The option to download XAT 2023 admit card will be displayed on the computer screen
- Step 6 – Click on the download tab and save XAT admit card as a pdf
Details mentioned on XAT admit card 2023
After downloading XAT admit card, candidates must check if all the following details are mentioned on it or not. If a candidate finds any discrepancy in it, then in such case, candidates will have to contact the exam conducting body as soon as possible.
- Candidates photograph
- Signature of the candidate
- Candidates name
- Date of birth (DOB)
- XAT 2023 exam date
- PwD status
- Reporting time for XAT 2023 exam
- Gate closure time
- Test city
- Exam duration
- XAT 2023 exam centre name and address
- Google map link
- Emergency contact number
- XAT exam day guidelines and instructions
Documents to Carry to the XAT Exam Centres 2023
On the day of the XAT exam 2023, candidates must bring any one of the following photo ID proof for the verification process.
- Voter ID card
- Aadhar card
- College ID
- PAN card
- Driving license
- Passport
- Employee ID card
Instructions Mentioned on XAT Admit Card 2023
- In case of any error in the XAT 2023 admit card, candidates are advised to bring this issue to the notice of the exam-conducting body
- No request for change in the XAT examination centre will be entertained
- XAT admit card 2023 is valid for a specific period of time
- After the closure of the entrance gate, no candidates will be allowed to enter
- Use of any electronic device such as a calculator, mobile phones, smartwatch, etc. is strictly prohibited inside the exam lab.
- The candidature for the XAT exam is completely provisional. The candidature is liable to be cancelled at any stage of the exam, if the candidates eligibility criteria is not fulfilled by the candidates
- Before entering the XAT exam hall, candidates will have to go through the frisking process. No facility of storage will be provided for candidates, hence, if any objectionable item is found, candidates will be asked to leave it outside the XAT exam premises
- Prior to 10 minutes of the examination, candidates will be allowed to login into the allotted computer system
- In the examination hall, candidates will be provided with a rough sheet and pen
- After completion of the XAT entrance test, candidates will have to submit the rough sheet to the exam invigilator
- The reference number on the XAT admit card is meant for seating arrangement only
- Candidates must carry their own sanitizer bottle (50 ml), mask and gloves.
XAT Admit Card 2023- Errors to check
After downloading XAT admit card, candidates were advised to check whether the details mentioned on it are correct or not. Check the following details are correct or not.
- The candidate’s names should not be incomplete or misspelled
- The candidate’s date of birth should not be incorrect
- The registration number must be the same as mentioned in the XAT application form
- The XAT exam date should be mentioned correctly
- PwD status should be mentioned
- XAT exam centre details should be mentioned correctly as opted in the application form
XAT 2023- COVID Self-Declaration Form

Importance of XAT Admit Card 2023
XAT 2023 admit card is an important document, that one had to carry on the day of the examination. No candidates were allowed to enter the XAT exam centre without the admit card. The XAT admit card includes all the information related to the candidate and the XAT exam. Candidates were advised to retain the XAT 2023 hall ticket until the completion of the admission process, as it will be required at the time of XAT counselling.
XAT Exam day Guidelines
- Candidates are advised to report to their respective XAT test centre one hour prior to the commencement of the exam
- Candidates must adhere to all the instructions given on the admit card and by the exam invigilator
- Rough work has to be done in the margins and any type of misbehavior will not be tolerated
- As per Centre Registration Number (CRN) candidates will have to occupy their allotted seats
XAT Exam Centres 2023
The exam centres of XAT 2023 are the list of cities from where the entrance test will be conducted. As per last year’s trend, XAT 2023 will be held in 73 cities across the country. While filling XAT application form, candidates needed to select two XAT exam centres, candidates could have choosen cities as per their preference.
XAT Exam Pattern 2023
As per the XAT exam pattern, the question paper consisted of four sections with a total of 99-100 questions (The total number of questions varies every year). All the asked questions were objective type (MCQs) type. As per the XAT marking scheme, 1 mark will be awarded for every correct response and a 0.25 mark will get deducted for every incorrect response. The total time duration for the XAT 2023 entrance exam will be three hours (180 minutes) along with 10 more minutes for Essay.